mantra healingThe mantras described here arise out of the ancient Tibetan medical and spiritual traditions. They are simple to use, profoundly effective, and are immediately accessible to everybody – regardless of age, gender, ethnic or spiritual background.

1 level

                • 1st part: July 25th-26th 2015
                • 2nd part: 2016

Mantra Healing 1, in collaboration with IATTM

Tibetan Mantra Healing is a powerful form of healing dating from ancient times, which is based upon the philosophy of Interdependent Origination of all Phenomena. The philosophy of Interdependent Origination purports that all phenomena in the Universe are intimately interconnected: no single object, person or event can exist in isolation; every action, thought or event impacts on all other existent phenomena. Through a greater awareness of Interdependent Origination, we can become co-creators of our own reality, and influence important aspects of our lives, such as our health. We can also use these methods to heal manifestations of energy disturbance such as accidental injury and disease.

Modern physics confirms what many ancient cultures have known for many years – that energy and form are interchangeable; they are simply different manifestations of the same universal constituents.

Traditional Tibetan Medicine describes these universal constituents, or potentialities, as the Five Elements. In their most subtle form, these Five Elements have a psycho-physical function which energises the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being, as well as – in their more gross aspect – forming the basis of our physical existence. In order to interface with these subtle universal energies, Traditional Tibetan Medicine utilises the five modalities of sensory perception – and their objects, namely form, sound, touch, taste and smell – as a part of its therapeutic approach.

Mantra Healing focuses specifically on the energy of sound as a healing medium. Tibetan Mantra Healing utilises ancient and secret mantras: sometimes encapsulating the essence of natural sounds, and often using ancient words from the Sanskrit and Tibetan languages.

Mantra Healing – Course Information

The Mantra Healing courses are modular in nature, meaning that each level is a complete unit in itself, giving both practical and theoretical knowledge which can be utilised immediately. However, each subsequent level builds upon skills and knowledge acquired previously, leading the student to a deeper understanding and greater proficiency at working with Mantra Healing.

Mantra Healing Level 1

This course presents a comprehensive introduction to the art and science of the ancient Mantra Healing tradition. The course is very practical in nature. Topics to be covered include:

The origins of Tibetan Mantra Healing.

Mantra Healing in the context of Traditional Tibetan Medicine, as well as a profound healing modality in its own right.

Fundamental principles of Traditional Tibetan Medicine, including the Theory of Interdependent Origination, and Five Elements Theory.

  • An explanation of the manner in which Mantras function.
  • The use of Mantras to cure specific disorders.
  • Instruction on how to use a mala; explanation of the functions of specific types of malas, and how this relates to Mantra Healing practice.
  • Instruction on the recitation of Mantras, including preparation, correct posture and pronounciation.
  • An explanation of the therapeutic properties of certain precious stones which are commonly used as an adjunct to Mantra Healing.
  • Transmission of healing Mantras.


emiliowith Emilio Gallotta, International Ku Nye Instructor. He is a qualified physiotherapist who brings the practical knowledge of Ku Nye, as well as the wisdom of Eastern philosphy, into his clinical work.

at: Centro Lungta, Mergoscia (Ticino)

schedule: 10.00-13.00 / 14.30-17.30

price : CHF 260.–

register: her  

Dr Nida Chenagtsanga transmission Dott. Nida Chenagtsang

Dr Nida Chenagtsang was born in Amdo, Tibet. Interested in the traditional medicine of his people, Dr Nida began his early medical training at the local Traditional Tibetan Medicine Hospital. Later he gained scholarship entry to Lhasa Tibetan Medical University and completed his medical training in 1996. Dr Nida gained his practical training at the Traditional Tibetan Medicine Hospitals in Lhasa (Lhasa Mentsi Khang) and Lhoka.

Dr Nida has published a number of articles and several books on Traditional Tibetan Medicine. He has extensively researched ancient Tibetan medicinal treatments, specialising in the revival of external therapies, which has brought him high acclaim in the field of Tibetan Medicine in both the East and West. Dr Nida is Director of the International Academy for Traditional Tibetan Medicine (IATTM) and the Co-Founder of the International Ngak-Mang Institutes (NMI), established to preserve and maintain the Rebkong Ngakpa culture within modern Tibetan society.

Dr Nida’s teachings are widely known throughout Asia, Europe, Russia, the USA and Australia, where he has trained students in Traditional Tibetan Medicine, Ku Nye Massage, Mantra Healing, Diet and Behaviour, Dream Analysis, Sa Che (geomancy), as well as Birth and Death according to Tibetan Medicine. All courses, seminars and public talks are organised through the IATTM and NMI. Fluent in English, Dr Nida is an experienced and knowledgeable communicator with a sophisticated ability to teach the subtleties of these traditional modalities to westerners.

more information: IATTM

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Lungta: “The Windhorse” is an ancient Tibetan symbol. While floating in the wind, the “Lungtas” continuously diffuse healing energies. “Wind” is omnipresent and gives life and consciousness to matter.
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